April 16, 2024


The Truth must be told no matter what so Justice can live!

Discover Islam ~ Our Birthright and Pathway to Allah’s Eternal Salvation!

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. [ May Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon you!]

This is the greeting which Almighty Allah, Supreme Creator of everything, taught and enjoined all Mankind and Djinn to use when we meet and greet one another. 

This is also, the very same greeting, which was used by every Prophet and Messenger of Allah over Time and will continue to be used, forever in all the Realms of Existence.

Today, 23rd March 2023 is the first day of Ramadhan, 1444 After Hijrah, in the Muslim Calendar. 

We are now living in the Last Ages, which is described as the Age of Fitnah or Temptation. Despite the tremendous advancements of Mankind, in the field of Science and Technology, human beings continue to engage in destructive lifestyles and wander through Life, oblivious of all the Guidance and Revelations from Our Creator, Allah the Most Compassionate and Most Merciful.

Guidance, in the form of the earlier Scriptures sent by Allah, God Almighty, to Mankind, through Revelations to His noble Prophets and Messengers over the years. The Ultimate Complete Guidance to Mankind and all other Creations of Almighty Allah is the Glorious Al-Qur’an Al Karim. 

It is preserved in its entirety both in its physical and various forms today, readily available to all those who seek the Truth and Salvation of Almighty God, Allahu Rabbul Alameen. You can access the Blessed Al-Qur’an in its digital form by visiting www.quran.com.

The Final Revelations of Allah the Almighty, [Al-Qur’an Al-Karim] were conveyed by Sayyidina Jibril Alaihis Salam @ Archangel Gabriel, to Prophet Muhammad, over a period of 23 long years. It was first revealed to the Blessed Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam in the year 610 A.D. and ended in the year 632 C.E. when the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam returned to the Mercy of Allah when he was 63 years old.

Unlike all the earlier Scriptures, revealed to the earlier Prophets and Messengers of Allah, such as the Taurat ~ Torah [revealed to Prophet Musa Alaihis Salam @ Moses (may peace be upon him), Zabur ~ Psalms [revealed to Prophet Daud Alaihis Salam @ David (may peace be upon him), Injeel ~ Gospels [revealed to Prophet Eesa (may peace be upon him) @ Jesus, the Al-Qur’an Al-Kareem which was revealed to Allah’s Final and Greatest Messenger to all Creation, the Blessed Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam remains preserved in its entirety to this very second and day!

To those who want to be saved from the Hellfire’s of Allah, I invite you to learn and understand what we Muslims recite in our daily prayers. The following Surah is obligatory in every Solat @ Prayer. It encompasses every aspect of our Faith in Allah and what we beseech our Creator in our prayers.

Do not waste a second of our precious remaining time here on Earth.

Visit https://myislam.org/surah-fatiha/ .

This will help you to understand the core of belief that we Muslims hold dear in our Submission to Allah, the Only Supreme Creator of us all. Not to any other imagined false deity of one’s imagination.

We begin our prayer by reciting ‘Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim‘ which means,’ In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.

Understanding the meaning:

When we Muslims want to do a good deed, we invoke the Blessed Name of Allah, Who, is the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. It is Allah, Who, taught us through His Glorious Messenger, to address Him, in this manner. Same goes with our every good deed or actions that we do, throughout our life and existence.

We then recite,’ Alhamdu lillahi Rabbil Alameen. It means,’ All praises be to Allah, Lord of all the Worlds.

Understanding the meaning:

Living in these times, most of us surely know that we, Mankind are currently  living here, on this planet Earth. Asides from us, there are countless other living beings in all forms of life, both seen and unseen. Even in the microscopic form, there are zillions of living bacteria or forms of life that scientists keep discovering.

Life here on Earth and in the oceans teem in realms that is alien to us, human beings. Each of these creations live in their own world. Even in our own bodies, live and exist countless forms of cells and organisms that exist because Allah the Almighty created us so.

Surely, we are aware of the World of Insects. All kinds of insects exist on Earth. Mind boggling to count the millions of species that are existing on this planet. Check out the following video:

Have you considered about the existence of the uncountable species of animals living here on planet Earth? Each species created by Allah with its own unique characteristics and traits. We tend to simplify them by saying, the ‘Animal World’. Who created them? None other than Allah.

Have you ever thought about the endless number of creatures that exist and live in the oceans and seas of this world? 

 We are also aware that there exist other realms where Djinns and other spiritual beings live and cease to exist. Who created all these? None other than Allah the Supreme Creator. 

This is just a tiny bit of the meaning of the verse,’ Alhamdu lillah hi rabbil Alameen’. Lord of all the Worlds. I can’t even claim to know that I have explained to you all that there is, to be expounding on the full meaning of this second verse of Surah Al Fatihah. That’s just the ‘tip of the iceberg’. There are Oceans of Knowledge contained in each verse of the Glorious Qur’an.

It is the very Revelation from our Creator. If you are serious about making the best of your time, here on Earth, study the Qur’an and claim your Birthright to be amongst those who shall achieve true Salvation from the temptations of this temporal earthly life. Do not meander through life aimlessly. Seek the Truth. Insya Allah, you will be saved.

Let’s now ponder upon the meaning of the third verse.

Ar Rahman, Ar Raheem. meaning,’ Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. 

We know that since Creation, apart from Mankind, there are many other kinds of living beings. Currently, there are about seven billion human beings living on this planet. Out of these, about 1.6 billion people are Muslims. The fastest growing religion in the world is Islam.

As human beings get more educated and have the capacity to study and search for the Truth, more and more people are embracing Islam, the only Revealed Faith, from Allah, our Supreme Creator.

The tremendous advancements in the field of Science and Technology, has enabled more human beings to discover the fact that apart from Al-Islam, all other faiths or beliefs are invented or imagined by those who refused to listen or obey the 124,000 prophets and messengers who were sent by Almighty Allah to Mankind over Time, since He created our Father, the Prophet Adam Alaihis Salam and our Mother, Sayyidatina Hawwa Radhiallahu Anha.

Ar Rahman, Ar Raheem. Most Compassionate, Most Merciful Allah, continues to shower His Grace and Mercy to those who refused or refuse to acknowledge Him, from way back then. Such is human nature. Despite knowing the futility of their false belief and deviations, there exist people who choose to self-destruct themselves through drugs and alcoholic drinks, killing themselves emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

Fortunately, there are now, billions who are starting to realize their folly and have started to learn about Islam and reverted to being Muslims. Alhamdulillah! [All praises be to Allah!]

Islam is now the fastest growing religion on Earth!

When one who has been seeking true peace and salvation, enters Islam, he or she will experience the tremendous sense of relief and be overcome with their realization of what they have gained! Free from sin and get to start all over again as a newborn baby. All their virtuous deeds remain in their account and are absolved from all earlier sins.

Let’s study the fourth verse, ‘Maliki Yaum Mid deen‘. Meaning, ‘ Lord on the Day of Judgment!’

On the Day of Judgment, it is Allah, Who will Judge over us. He is the Judge above all other judges. The Most Just. Not a good deed goes without getting rewarded and not a sin goes unpunished save for His Mercy and Forgiveness.

We then recite,’ Iya qanak budu; Wa iya qanas ta een‘. Which means,’ Only You do we worship; Only to You do we seek!

As Muslims, we pray only to Allah and only to Allah, do we seek our needs. We do not worship anything else. Nor do we place any hope in any other.

We follow up with,’ Ih di nas siraatal Mustaqim… meaning,’ Show us the straight path.

‘Siraatal ladzi na’an ‘am, ta’alaihim. The straight path that Allah guided others before us.

Ghairil maghdhubi alaihim. Not the path of those who evoked Allah’s Anger.

Wa ladh dhaalin’. Or those who went astray. 

Aameen. Grant us. [ O Allah]

Do not take Life for granted. It is an opportunity from Allah for us to prepare ourselves for the Akhirat. The Hereafter.

Decide wisely.

May Allah guide us all.

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